Quartz or quartz (Quartz)

Quartz or quartz of pure silica consists of impurities (silicon dioxide SiO2). Quartz and pure transparent colorless and is one of the most hardness of metals and minerals that few superiority in hardness diamonds, rubies, topaz and beryl and Alosnpil. When exposing the quartz crystal to power it generates an electric compressor on the edges and vice versa effort to shed When a voltage alternating them, they vibrate a specific and precise frequency. The advantage of this phenomenon, known Balbizokahrbaiah (piezoelectricity) in the manufacture of fine quartz hours and Mahtzac in electronic devices. With the exception of aluminum silicate is more of quartz materials used in the composition of the rocks in the earth's crust has been the degree of hardness of seven degrees.

Moonstone (moon stone)

Moonstone is composed of feldspar (feldspar) which aluminum silicate, sodium, potassium ((Na, K) AlSi3O8.). And the moon stone to a pearly sheen due to the overlap of the reflected light from the minutes of the metal impurities Alolbaat (albite) inside. Moonstone posting program and take the white colors such as color which is the color of the moon, yellow, blue, brown, pink. Although Rkhaute and clarity of cracking is considered one of the gems because of its luster pearl.

Alberal (Beryl)

Metal beryl from Moonstone consists beryllium ((Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6. And Alberal pure colorless and called Alqohinaat (Goshenite) but often colors the mind various impurities to acquire the color pink, green, blue, yellow, red and white. Called Alberal pink name Almorganayat (Morganite) and the Red Allbeckspaat (Bixbite) and the green yellowish Alhelaodor (Heliodor) and eight degrees of hardness.

Opals from amorphous silica has a ratio of water consists of up to 20% water and therefore called amorphous silica (hydrated amorphous silica). Opal color ranges from transparent to milky white color with an infinite number of other colors such as green, red, yellow, brown, black, a half transparent and has a shimmering gloss.

Diamonds in mythology

Was believed since ancient times that the diamond has a legendary fairy and fantasy and therapeutic magical properties, because the phenomenon of phosphorescence phosphorescence in some types of diamonds give him the ability to glow at night, which was the last evidence of the supernatural stone force, so the ancients believed that the diamond calms mental illness and protects from heart Satanic and even lives phantoms and nightmares nightmares, and gives unlimited support and courage of a warrior on the battlefield as well as virtue and generosity, during the judiciary in the courts, things are going along with the wearing and wearing a diamond wearer's favor, either houses, gardens and farms that touch the four corners diamonds they are protected Lightning from the devastating storms and pests blight. Spread in India ancient religions and beliefs fairy says that the human spirit going through the stages of the embodiment such as avatar on the forms of animals or humans, Valdaana Christianity with it's incarnation of Christ in the union of divinity and Nasotih various incarnations, but the Christian method differs from the ancient Indian religions with the idea of ​​the General Union are the same. The ancient Indians claimed that life is breathed into the gems in the sense that they are embodied and unite in the trees, animals and humans, diamonds and anything can be to the gods of the Incarnation which was attended by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato Plato (who lived between 427 BC - 347 BC), a distinctive philosophy of virginity and idealism dogma itself from gems, believing that it alive and kicking or she living beings living organism, as a result the reaction chemical Yahya spirits and imaginary vivifying astral spirits, then section Filsov gems into two models male and female specimens claiming she marries and Tantj.la no evidence anywhere mining first diamond Is India was the mother in China? There was more than one source determines its place, but it dried up all exhausted these days, and that history is not preserved none of them, either Buddhism has reported diamond in the texts of ancient Buddhist Vedic texts was called Mani, but researchers in linguistics Sinologist / linguist from the likes of linguistic Researcher in Buddhism (Berthold Laufer Researcher Jew born in Cologne in 1874 and is an American German-emigrated to the United States after being educated in Germany and died there) has denied that the diamond has stated in the language of Sanskrit or in Buddhism, because Mani the holes and Mkhrza like rosary (contract) or Pearl contract.

Platinum metal

Platinum strong metal stainless nor loses its luster when exposed to air, because platinum does not react with oxygen or sulfur compounds in the air,
"Catalytic converter" found in car exhaust, which is called in some countries (DBP pollution) where there is a platinum network interact with toxic gases carbon dioxide as the first form and turn it into water vapor and carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
 It is also not affected by acids that dissolve most of the other metals. The best ways to melt platinum is the use of a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, and easily combine with phosphorus, arsenic and silicon, is also a platinum alloys with most metals.
Platinum is the most expensive minerals as gold, as it may worth up to about twice the value of gold.
Platinum chemical element and precious metal gray color - white, The origin of the word platinum to a Spanish word (Plata) and means (small silver

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